Sunday, January 30, 2011

Giveaway Winners! (Take Two)


I have had so much fun sharing my love of Christian Fiction! I wish I had an unlimited income so that I could have a draw for every book I read this year, but alas, I need to pay my rent and all those other tedious bills. I will, however, definitely do at least one more month long giveaway some time this year so stay tuned. In the mean time I will continue to read and review.

Once again my handsome assistant Simba pulled the winners' names. Since he can't read and doesn't know any of you, we can only assume the draw was random and unbiased.

Drum roll, please...

The winners are:

Courting Miss Amsel - Merry

Love Finds You in Sun Valley, Idaho - Amber

Maverick Heart - Bluerose

Love on Assignment - Hannah

Child of Grace - Michelle

Second Chance Courtship - Charity

Love Finds You in Hope, Kansas - Charity

Congratulations ladies, I'm so excited to be able to share these wonderful books with you!!!! I have some of your addresses already. If I don't, I'll contact you to get that information.

For those who won first time round: I've been tracking your deliveries and they should reach you on this week -- February 2.

Enjoy everyone...and happy reading!!!!!


  1. Oh, yay! I won a "Love Finds You" book! :D Thank you so, so much for your generosity, Kav!

    (And thanks to Simba for drawing my name!) ;)



  2. That was really nice of you to take time to do.....Keep up the good reviews!!

  3. Yah!! Thank you so much! It was extremely sweet to do such a big giveaway!! :)
    And Simba is gorgeous, by the way!!

  4. Thanks so much Kav! And maybe I should send Simba a treat:) Since he has drawn my name a few times now.

  5. LOL you must have good sheltie vibes, Charity! LOL. Simba's enjoyed his brief moment in the spotlight -- it beats chasing squirrels -- especially since they're all in hibernation anyway.
