Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Reading at Best Reads

Well, it had to happen sometime. I'm reading faster than I can review!

It's not all my fault though. There are these amazing authors who keep writing amazing books that are too irresistible to...well...resist. And then I joined a few book blog tours that all got delayed and that meant the reviews had to be pushed back and then they were all due out during the same couple of weeks and that meant I had to bump the books I was going to review but there were new books begging to be read and reviewed and well, pretty soon my review pile was tottering higher than my TBR pile.
Like this!

To make matters worse it's summer and that means...gulp...I'll have even more time to read!!!!!!!!!!! What's a blogger to do? Don't be alarmed -- I have it all figured out.

Monday - Thursday I will continue to do my regular giveaway book reviews but as the whim strikes me, I'll throw in extra reviews without a giveaway on Fridays and Saturdays. Just until I get caught up.

Confusing? Not really.

Giveaway reviews will always be headed by this colourful picture with the caption 'Giveaway' underneath.
Plus the giveaway rules will be in blue font at the end of the review. So that's how you'll know you can enter a giveaway.
And now you're in the know!
So what's on your summer reading list this year?


  1. Good idea for getting caught up! I'm going to be reading Tamera Leigh's Age of Faith series this summer.

    1. Oooohhhh...I haven't heard of that series or that author. Thanks for the tip, Heidi...but that means more books in my TBR pile. Ack!

  2. Good plan, Kav, fingers crossed :)

    As for my reading plans - I plan to have fun with my Julie Lessman collection!

  3. Oooh - brilliant choice, Janka and then you'll be already for her new release in the fall.

  4. I don't have the books yet, but I'm anxious to read Carla Stewart's new release The Hatmaker's Heart and also Jocelyn Green's new release Yankee in Atlanta.

    Enjoy your summer reading, Kav!

    1. I've been seeing Yankee in Atlanta around and about in cyberspace. Been looking out for that one too. And woot -- The hatmaker's Heart is up for review here next week.! Happy summer reading!

  5. I just started the Mary Lu Tyndall Forsaken Dreams series....looking good!
