Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Christy Award Finalists 2020 -- Young Adult


What are the Christy Awards?

"The Christy Award is designed to nurture and encourage creativity and quality in the writing and publishing of fiction written from a Christian worldview and showcase the diversity of genres." (from the Christy Awards website.)

These 2020 finalists are books published in 2019. You might have read them already. You might not. I haven't read any in this category. :-(

How does this giveaway work?

You select which of the three Christy Award finalists 2020 - Young Adult category you would like to receive if your name is drawn. Mention the title in your comment (or an email if you're entering that way.) If you win, that's the book that will be sent to you. Easy Peasy. Here are the three finalists.

The Means That Makes Me Strangers
by Christine Kindberg (Bellflower Press)

Home is where your people are. But who are your people?

Adelaide has lived her whole life in rural Ethiopia, where she and her family are the only white people she knows. Then her family moves to South Carolina, in 1966.

Adelaide promises she'll return to Ethiopia and become part of the village for good. But until she turns eighteen, Adelaide must adjust to this strange, white place everyone tells her is home. Then Adelaide becomes friends with the five African-American students who sued for admission to the white high school. As life in Greenville becomes more interesting, home becomes a much more complex equation.

Adelaide must finally choose where she belongs: the Ethiopian village where she grew up, to which she promised to return? Or this new place where she's become part of something bigger?

The Piper's Pursuit
by Melanie Dickerson (Thomas Nelson)

A plague of rats. A giant beast outside the village walls. A host of missing children. And one young woman determined to save her people.

In 1424 Hamlin, Katerina faces threats from all sides. An outbreak of rats has overtaken the village, a mysterious beast is on a killing rampage of the village's children, and Katerina's evil stepfather is a dark presence inside the walls of her own home. Katerina is determined to hunt and kill the Beast of Hamlin herself before more lives are lost.

When Steffan, the handsome but brash duke's son, comes to town seeking glory and reward, Katerina decides he might be the ally she's been looking for -- even though the only gentle thing about him seems to be the sweet music he plays on his pipe. But there's more to Steffan than she suspects, and she finds herself drawn to him despite her misgivings.

Together Katerina and Steffan must stop the enemy from stealing the children of Hamlin. But their interference might create an even worse fate for the entire village. Melanie Dickerson delivers another exciting fairy-tale journey of intrigue and romance in this reimagining of the classic Pied Piper story.

The Winter King
by Christine Cohen (Canonball Books)

Ever since Cora's father disappeared through the ice, whispers about her family's 'curse' have grown increasingly louder. Desperate to help her mother and siblings survive another bleak season in the Winter King's frozen grasp, Cora begins to bend (and even break) the rules she has kept since she was a little girl. But when she discovers a secret that is much bigger than herself, she realizes too late that she has put herself -- and those she loves -- in even greater peril.


Please note the formats these giveaways are available in:

The Means That Makes Us Strangers - ebook
The Piper's Pursuit -- paperback or ebook -- winner's choice
The Winter King -- ebook

If you would like a chance to win a copy of one of the Christy Award Finalists 2020 -- Young Adult Category, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoreadATyahooDOTca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday November 14 2020. Offer open to International Readers. Good luck!


  1. Throw my name in the hat for The Piper's Pursuit, please, Kav! :)

    ckbarker at gmail dot com

  2. The Piper’s Pursuit by Melanie Dickerson, please!😁 Her books are always so good!

    1. I can't keep up with her. I have this one on my tbr pile right now and another on hold at the library...then I might be caught up. Possibly. Good luck, Elly!

    2. If you haven’t read her Regency Spies trilogy, they’re REALLY good, too!

  3. The Means That Makes Me Strangers by Christine Kindberg looks interesting Thanks for Sharing these Books 📚 With Us and For the Chance to Win a Copy
    iamabho AT gmail DOT com 💓😍💓

    1. This one came up in the Carols too, I think...or was in in another category in this one? Gah, I can't remember. Anyway, it does look good. Good luck, Linda.

    2. Haha I didn't even realize there were 2 different C names I thought this 1 lady has found a lot of great books to give awards to

  4. The Pipers Pursuit sounds lovely!!!

    good luck with your tbr pile!

    dianemestrella at gmail dto com

    1. lol -- I'll start panicking when I don't have a pile. :-) Good luck, Diane!

  5. I'll go with Melanie Dickerson since I've enjoyed several of her re-tellings! Her & Jody Hedlund are the only two authors that I've toe dipped into YA with :-)

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. And both are strong YA authors with quite the following. Good luck, Trixi!

  6. The winter king by christine cohen since she is a new author for me. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom

  7. The Piper's Pursuit, please.

  8. The Piper's Pursuit, please.
    turtle6422 at gmail dot com

  9. The Piper’s Pursuit please. I have several of her books and enjoyed them. leliamae54(at)aol(dot)com

    1. Me too! Behind with this one and her most recent release. Must catch up. Good luck, Lucy!

  10. I love YA, but lately I've been finding it difficult to find books with the depth that I want. THE MEANS THAT MAKE US STRANGERS sounds perfect and relevant, even if it is historical.

    1. This one has caught my eye too -- and it won this category! Woot! Good luck, Terrill!

  11. The Winter King. Thanks for the giveaway!


  12. These all sounds great but I’m most drawn to The Means That Make Us.

