Thursday, November 5, 2020

Point of Danger



Hate mail was one thing. This was quite another.

Radio talk show host Eve Reilly is used to backlash from her pot-stirring on-air commentary and interviews. But now it seems a disgruntled listener is resorting to more than angry words to express their displeasure. When a suspicious package arrives on her doorstep, Eve turns to law enforcement for help.

Police detective Brent Lange can't find any evidence to link the string of unsettling incidents that follows, but he's convinced they're connected. As the harassment grows more menacing, it becomes clear someone wants Eve's voice silenced -- permanently.

But unless he can track down her elusive foe, the gutsy woman who is willing to take risks for what she believes -- and who is swiftly winning his heart -- may not survive.

My Review:

First off, and yes, my book nerdiness is showing, I'm going to wax poetical over the cover feels so good! Really smooth with...eeep...raised letters! And it's kinda shimmery too. The tactile bibliophile buried deep inside me is outrageously happy. I can't stop petting my book! I do so appreciate unique qualities in a cover...and I think I just embarrassed myself publicly. Please tell me there are other readers out there who pay attention to these kind of details! No? Okkkkaaaayy, well, moving right a long...

Point of Danger is an intriguing and topical romantic suspense -- heavy on the romance, lighter on the suspense. And by that I mean this isn't a nail-biting frenzy where action scenes take precedence. It's more a police procedural investigating threats against Eve...until things really ramp up at the end. 

I enjoyed the way the suspense develops, which includes multiple points of view from a variety of characters aka possible suspects? (Only hours of reading enjoyment will tell!) It definitely pushes the envelope as far as politics in my fiction is concerned. That might have been because I finished this book on election day and was pretty world weary as a result. :-) 

When I contemplate Eve's profession (political radio personality) and the actions of multiple secondary characters (including the bad guys), I recognize a strong commonality in the desire to be recognized and feel heard. Sharing opinions matter. So does listening. I appreciate the way Eve approached her callers with calm respect, never delivering the kind of bombastic vitriol that has become so commonplace these days. I also appreciate how other characters were given backgrounds that gave a starting point to understanding their actions. There's obviously a right and wrong way to go about being heard but Hannon does a great job of filling in the nuances.

I absolutely loved the romance, of course, and this author has a flare for developing the deliciously toe-curling, sweet yearning kind. Plus she gives a nod and wink to previous series which were so fun to spot. 

This is the first book in a new series -- Triple Threat -- and the author does a great job of setting the stage for future novels featuring Eve's very intriguing sisters. I can't wait for their stories!

Book provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications Inc.


This giveaway is for a paperback

If you would like a chance to win a copy Point of Danger, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoreadATyahooDOTca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday November 7 2020 . Offer open to International Readers. Good luck!


  1. First of all, you are not alone in your tactile delight of a book. In fact, I love it so much that I get disappointed when a cover doesn't have it! I just have to "pet" it for a few minutes before I read it 😊

    Okay, moving on. 😂 Anything Irene writes is an absolute MUST-READ! From contemporary to suspense, she is one author that I will anywhere with. Shoot, she could write a car repair manual and I would read it, lol! But alas, I have not had a chance to read Point of Danger (what's wrong with me?) 😂 I'm definitely in it to win it!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. P.S. By the way....a new Hope Harbor book is releasing April 6th entitled "BlackBerry Beach"

    2. Eeeep -- there's a sneak peak to Blackberry Beach in this one!!!! And the opening line is: "The mystery woman was back." -- Eeeep!!! I agree with you about Irene Hannon -- she knows how to keep me glued to the page no matter what genre. Good luck, Trix.

    3. Oh, and thank you for your tactile book solidarity. It's nice to know I'm not alone. :-)

  2. With a “feel good” book and romance with a little suspense... what more could a reader need!
    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Especially when it's written by Irene Hannon! Good luck, Melanie!

  3. The multiple points of view (especially from possible suspects) storytelling is intriguing.
    turtle6422 at gmail dot com

    1. I know some people don't like it but I do....if it's done right. Those extra POVs can't be at the expense of a reader connecting with the man characters and Irene Hannon has found the right balance to keep things interesting while still keeping Eve and Brent foremost in my mind. Good luck, Jana Leah!

  4. I'll take an Irene Hannon book any day. I've read so many of them already. rrwalter34ATgmaildotCOM

    1. I know - she's on my not to be missed list. Good luck, Becky!

  5. I've heard good things about her books but haven't read any yet
    Thanks for the Chance to Win a Copy
    iamabho AT gmail DOT com 💓😍💓

    1. Ooooooohhhhhhhh -- I can't have so many good reading hours ahead of you, Linda. Irene Hannon is incredible both suspense and romance. Good luck!

    2. Awesome Thanks for sharing this book with us

  6. I, too, examine and admire covers. In fact, I have to study them before I read the book and then go back after I read it to re-examine it. The cover on "POINT OF DANGER" most definitely says REAQD ME! I mean you have the tree tops that look like the "points", the face that emerges from the skyline (which you then see isn't a skyline but the outline of a body), and I can't wait to see how the gazebo plays into the story which has "danger" lurking over it.

    Love a great suspense and sprinkling it well with romance just makes it all the more of a desirable read.

    This book checks all the boxes and most definitely going on my ever growing TBR list. What a way to start a series and one I can't wait to start reading!

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Yes, the cover art is sublime...and it shimmers! You can't tell that from the image but id does. So glad I'm not alone in my tactile book adoration. Good luck, Kay!

  7. I delight in book covers also. I also love deckled pages. Thank you for sharing. leliamae54(at)aol(dot)com

    1. Oooohhh -- be still my heart --- deckled pages!!!! I can't even...swoon. Good luck, Lucy!

  8. So glad Irene has a new series! Loved the review.

    1. I always get super excited when she has a book coming out. Good luck, rubynreba!

  9. Sounds interesting, thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    wfnren at aol dot com

  10. Can't wait to read this! I don't think I've ever read about a main character who is a talk-show host.

    eclitton at gmail dot com

    1. Now that you mention it, I don't think I have either. Good luck, Elizabeth.

  11. Irene Hannon is one of my favorite authors! KAV, Thank you for the excellent review and the chance to win a copy.

  12. Ooooh, this sounds wonderful! Thanks for the chance and the great review.


  13. Thanks for the giveaway!


  14. As much as I have come to prefer reading ebooks, I still LOVE holding a paperback (if not to read, to admire) and read then when that's the medium I personally own. I've really tried to cut back on purchasing physical copies unless I've read them and desire to own my own copy. Which happens more often than not. LOL Those books get admired A LOT!

    1. Nothing quite like hugging a 'book' book. :-) Good luck, Terrill!

  15. Loved your review, and I'm with you on the trend of raised letters, enameled/shiny letters and other tactile touches on covers. I'm noticing a lot of those lately. So fun! Thanks for the chance to win.
    whthomas13 at yahoo dot com

    1. Glad I'm not the only one attracted to shiny things. lol Good luck, Winnie!

  16. This book sounds so good!

    dmandres5 at Gmail dot com

  17. I do love a good well textured book cover! I'm looking forward to this one as well as a new series.

