Thursday, January 20, 2022

Laurel's Dream



Journey into the Blue Ridge Mountains of 1918 where Laurel McAdams endures the challenges of a hard life while dreaming things can eventually improve. But trouble arrives in the form of an outsider. Having failed his British father again, Jonathan Taylor joins his uncle's missionary endeavours as a teacher in a two-room schoolhouse. Laurel feels compelled to protect the tenderhearted teacher from the harsh realities of Appalachian life, even while his stories of life outside the mountains pull at Laurel's imagination. Faced with angry parents over teaching methods, Laurel's father's drunken rages, and bad news from England, will Jonathan have to leave and never return, or will he stay and let love bloom?

My Review:

published in 2019

A reread for me and it's just as good the second time around.


"Dream, girl, but trust God to take better care of your dreams than you ever could." (p 139)

Sometimes you come across a book that defies description and this is one of them. I've been grappling with words that won't come because I don't think anything I say can do justice to the depth and breadth and overall bookiliciousness of Laurel's Dream.

I wish I had Laurel's 'lyrical phrasing' to help me. "She's always got the mullygrubs but down deep she's as soft as fresh biscuits." (p 113) But any attempts to wax poetic have fallen embarrassingly short so I'm not sharing them here! Just know that this is the kind of story you live through with all your senses. The kind that carries you away so completely that it's hard to pull out of. And, if someone or something does manage to haul you back to your sorry 21st century reality, you will be utterly discombobulated for fact the disorientation will likely last until you can slip back to Basham's mountain setting again.

This is such a sublime read I can't even...head thunking on desk...I have no words!

Laurel charmed me -- she's bewitching and beguiling and exuberant and hopeful. Steadied by her faith and a mountain folk practicality that captivated me. And she loves books!!! "If a book comes by, any book, I'm obliged to give it my attention." (p 72) How can you not love a heroine like that?!

And Jonathan is an intriguing mix of noble and broken and searching. He comes to this Appalachian community with an open heart and the desire to not only teach, but learn as well. And then the story unfolds -- only you forget it's a story -- you feel like you are living their lives right along with them and every day is an adventure so epic and elemental and true that it takes your breath away.


This giveaway is for a gently read paperback. (it's been carefully resting in a glass-fronted bookcase but now that it's on audible ...)

If you would like a chance to win a copy of Laurel's Dreamleave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca. If you add your email to a comment, remember to use AT AND DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday January 22 2022. Offer open to International Readers. Good luck


  1. I need to reread this. We are doing a reel today Book Twin. 🤣

    1. Excellent choice -- I'll grab my fiddle. :-)

  2. LOL, I totally mangled my comment, let me start over!

    I would love to have your paperback copy of My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge! Thanks for the giveaway!

    I hope you are staying warm and cozy up there. We are supposed to get at least 6 inches of snow by this weekend, we'll see! I have a 15-bean soup started because snow and soup just go together. And of course, there will be books involved too, always books! ;)

    1. I loved loved it, too. Ok Intrepid Reporter am I right that she has a book out in July that is sequel to this? The Heart of the Mountains

    2. Sqqqquuuueeeee -- sequel, Jackie???!!!! Must check that out.

      Tracey, I've been living on heart soups and stews for a few months now. There's nothing like a hot soup to warm you inside out after coming in from a frigid walk...unless it's one of Pepper Basham romance scenes...that works too. :-) Good luck, Tracey!

    3. I heard someone calling my name ;)
      Intrepid reporter reporting for duty :)

      Ok so here's how it goes. Barbour first published this book in the My Heart Belongs series, Pepper inquired about getting her rights back and was surprised when it went through so fast, normally that takes years. It has been reissued with a new cover and just as Laurel's Dream. The second book in the series is The Heart of the Mountains and is schedule to be released late June of this year. If you look it up on amazon it will say June 2021 and Barbour, both are incorrect. Pepper is working to get that corrected.
      Hearty soups are just the thing for snowy shut-in days with a book. You are right Kav, Pepper's romances will warm you right up too :)

      Laughing at myself this morning, could not spell for anything, now I see my email is even wrong, haha.
      tracey14567 at gmail .com

    4. Lol love those kissing scenes that warm you right to your toes!!!

    5. Thanks for reporting in, IR Tracey! We can always count on you as our book paparazzi! lol

  3. Your high praise for this one has me intrigued, Kav. Count me in, please! :)

    ckbarker at gmail dot com

  4. I would like to read this one, it sounds good! Please enter me, thanks. lclee59(at)centurylink(dot)net

  5. I have been wanting to read this book as I have heard good things about it. teshawATsbcglobalDOTnet

  6. Oh, this sounds like a must read!!!
    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  7. I love this author and am trying to read all her books. Would love the opportunity, thank so much! cilydav at hotmail dot com

    1. She's one of my catch-up authors this year but I have to stop rereading her books so I can actually catch up on the ones I've missed. lol Good luck, Cindy!

    2. If you have not read Hope Between the Pages move it to the top of your was FABULOUS!

  8. This is a new author for me and her story sounds so good. Thanks for this one.... rrwalter34atgmaildotcom

  9. Don't enter me as I purchased this book for my keeper shelf - it was excellent! Wonderful story and feel like you are there detail/location. My first real introduction to Pepper Basham!

    1. Yay -- another Pepper fan. Thanks for sharing the book love, CC!

  10. I am so excited about this book!!! Thnx for the giveaway Kav!!!

    1. It's definitely a book to be excited about. Good luck, Sarah!

  11. Sounds great, thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    wfnren at aol dot com

  12. Great review. This is one I have been wanting to read for so long. Thanks for the chance.


  13. I would like to win this Pepper Basham story!! Sounds great! Thanks for sharing your well-loved story. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  14. "LAUREL'S DREAM" is another book on my TBR list that has seemed to slip through and not been read YET.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy and hopefully rectify that error in my reading by moving it from want to read to have read.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. There are so many to keep track of! Good luck, Kay!

  15. Thanks for the giveaway!


  16. I never had the chance to read this but would love to after reading your review. I've always wanted to visit the Blue Ridge Mountains so should b fun to read about them!

    1. I've been captivated by the Blue Ridge Mountains since I was a kid and read so many great books with that setting. Good luck, rubynreba!

  17. So exited about this book!! Love this Author!! Thanks Kav for a chance to win!!

