Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Smoky Mountain Ambush



Someone's hunting her in the mountains...

An unknown enemy's dead set on killing Lindsey Snow by Christmas -- and  she doesn't know why. And the only person she can trust to shield her is the man she betrayed, mounted police officer Silver Williams. Now there's nowhere to hide...from danger or their feelings. But can they find the killer before this holiday season becomes Lindsey's last?

My Review:

Well...this is a first for me: being happy to hand the hero over to the heroine at the end of the story. Why, you ask? Isn't Silver dashing enough? Sigh, incredibly so -- with his unusual looks and strong sense of justice. And he's a mounted police officer -- I mean...really...thud! So, it must be his lackluster personality then? Uh, no...cue all my brooding hero yearnings -- this man has a tragic past and while he's risen above so much, he's still given to some inner turmoil. Surely it can't be his 'cornucopia of animals' 'cause we all know how much I love critters... 

Weeellll....I ike the fur or feathered kind but when they come encased in in....SHUDDER...boa constrictors (gasp!)...I am so outta there. I could have any number of villains shooting arrows at me and I still wouldn't set foot in Silver's house if it was the last safe haven available to me. So...yes, Lindsey you are welcome to Silver and all that involves though I advise you to rehome the (insert S word here) before the babies start coming. Just google 'New Brunswick' and 'Boa constrictors 'and '2 boys' killed if you want to know why. That news story amped up my (insert S word here) phobia to the outer limits. 

No worries if you are like me in that regard no -- reptiles who shall not be named -- actually made an appearance in this story, though I was on edge all the way through waiting for one of them (yes, more than one, ewwwww) to show up in a scene. Thankfully that didn't happen so consider this a public service spoiler announcement. You're welcome. :-)

Okay, now on to what really matters -- the plot! Amazing suspense, really well paced with enough red herrings to hijack my sleuthing conclusions and the mystery doesn't let up until the very end. Loved the balance between action and down time where Silver and Lindsey get to work through their issues. Also love that, while this isn't a reunion romance, these two have a year+ of a working/friend history that brings depth and eventually angst to their relationship.

Another stellar Love Inspired Suspense novel (in spite know.) I'm still a Karen Kirst fan. :-)


This giveaway is for a gently read paperback copy.

If you would like a chance to win a copy of Smoky Mountain Ambushleave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca. If you add your email to a comment, remember to use AT AND DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday January 29 2022. Offer open to International Readers. Good luck


  1. Cool cover. Nice review. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom

  2. I love how quickly we can read the Love Inspired Suspense books. Great review! cilydav at hotmail dot com

    1. Yes -- nothing like curling up with a LIS on a cold afternoon, knowing you'll find out whodunit before dinner. Good luck, Cindy!

  3. Love the cover on "SMOKY MOUNTAIN AMBUSH"! If not for the arrow, I could see it as a great place to hibernate and get great photos of both scenery and critters.

    It's not that I'm scared of "s", but it's the surprise factor that gets me. As a child, I had lizards for pets. But those critters that are known to squeeze the life out of their prey - including man , I, too, would have to draw the line.

    Thank you for the review and the chance to win a copy! Sounds like a book I would love to read and a new to me author to boot.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. I'm glad they chose an arrow instead of, well...that thing that I don't like to name. :-) Why I don't see the appeal of lizards as pets they are waaaayyyyy better than...hissssss. Good luck, Kay!

  4. I would like to read this one, please enter me, thanks! lclee59(at)centurylink(dot)net

  5. Enjoyed your review. leliamae54(at)aol(dot)com

  6. LOL ... if it wasn't for your "spoiler announcement" I don't think I'd be signing up for this story. Thanks for the heads up. Although, I'm still not too sure I want to read it .... "S" and me just don't mix in any way. So I think I should take a pass on this one and let someone else take my place in the draw.

    1. Bwahahah -- but, really, who wants to snuggle up to a guy whose been snuggling up to a boa constrictor? Shudder!

  7. I've read this and rated it 5 stars, but I can not for the life of me remember the S, which I also have an aversion to. Maybe my subconscious blocked it and only remembered the good parts? I wonder if my memory is fading, although it was 33 books ago so maybe that's it, humm...

    1. It's my phobia no doubt since they who shall not be named never made an on page appearance. There was a couple of references to...ahem...and one thought about how they wouldn't need to be fed for a week since they just ate. I mean, ewwwww...just ewwww!!! And they were mentioned by name...Ansel and Axis or something like that? Clearly I remember too much. I can handle a snake as a bad guy in a story...sort of...but as pets? Uh, that would be no. :-)

  8. That cover screams "read me!"! And second chance romance...count me in twice :-)

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. It's a great cover, isn't it? So stark and foreboding. Good luck, Trixi!

  9. This cover looks so good!! Would love to read it!!


  10. Love Suspense, great cover!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway!

