Thursday, July 22, 2021

Restoring Fairhaven



Taking her ailing father's gardening business on Merriweather Island, Samantha Green only wants to escape her ex and to make her father proud. But Sam gets more than she bargained for when Greener Gardens accepts the job of restoring the garden of a reclusive writer, Max Fairhaven, whose historical novels about romance and unrequited love litter bookstore shelves and movie marquees all over the world.

Max much prefers the fictional world to the real, and the gardening girl's interruptions means he's driven from his writing cave far too often for his liking.

How's he supposed to craft stories with her distracting him all the time? Things change when he learns something of Sam's family challenges, and his admiration slowly kindles. With his secretary's goading, he's forced to confront the past, while facing the fact that he needs to change in order to avoid a lonely future. Gentle pruning and a whole lot of banter forges a friendship between this not-so-Southern belle landscaper and the half-British author. But is their budding attraction enough to grow into a flourishing happily-ever-after?

Love hurts, or so the songs say, so who wants it?

My Review:

I've enjoyed Carolyn Miller's Regency romances so I was curious to see what she'd do with a contemporary timeline. The same storytelling magic, that's what! 

I'm not sure if it was intentional, but Restoring Fairhaven reads like a Beauty and the Beast adaptation for me. There's the shaggy haired, surly-to-the-nth-degree hero for starters. Max is positively beastly in the beginning hurling poison darts in word and deed at whim. Quick to judge without all (or any) of the facts, especially where 'the gardening terrorist' is concerned. Gah, if I didn't know his backstory I'd have purse-whomped him but good with a tote bag full of a week's worth of library returns. :-) But Miller gives us measured glances into the roiling hurt and seething wounds that have kept Max cut off from the world.

Enter Samantha Green on a mission to keep her ailing father's gardening business afloat. The substantial job at Fairhaven manor will go along way towards making that happen which means she will put up with pretty much anything in order to keep the contract. Even a cantankerous beast.

Sam carries her own wounds as well, and it is inevitable that she and Max are drawn together in sympathetic unspoken understanding of wounded hearts...when they aren't sniping at each other that is! There's plenty of zippy banter and laugh-out-loud moments in this unusual courtship. As well as tender, heart-stirring ones not to mention the toe-curls. And the way Sam leads Max back into the world is as magical as any fairy tale. The double meaning in the title isn't lost on me, because Samantha is instrumental in restoring the property and the man.


This giveaway is for a gently read paperback 

If you would like a chance to win a copy of Restoring Fairhaven, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca. If you add your email to a comment, remember to use AT AND DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday July 24 2021. Offer open to International Readers. Good luck!


  1. The story sounds a little out of the ordinary, but interesting, please enter me, thanks! lclee59(at)centurylink(dot)net

  2. I LOVE Carolyn Miller’s books! I’ve read all of her Regency novels, but have never tried any of her contemporaries. I’d love a chance to check it out!

    1. This is my first one too. Apparently she started out writing contemporaries and then switched to those Regencies we all know and love. I enjoyed this contemporary, though I think the Regencies will always be my favourites. Good luck, Elly!

  3. Isn't this a literary delight? Max is a typical surly reclusive author who would rather relate to fictional characters rather than real people. He cracked me up! Then Sam comes along and shakes his world up....oh boy, these two, lol! Loved every witty barb and moment of this story :-)

    I have not read Carolyn's Regency fiction yet, though I have three of her books on my shelf. Plus, I met her in person over two years ago when she signed my books. She's a very warm-hearted & wonderful lady.....and I just love listening to her Australian accent!

    Did you know she has a new one out called "Regaining Mercy"? It's part of the Independence Island series too. I already have it waiting for me on my Kindle. 😊

    1. Yes -- Max with all his fictional happily-never-afters. LOL He was such a gloomy Gus. Love the way his outlook brightened when Sam came on the scene. Oooohhh, Regaining Mercy has a character from this book as the hero. Hmmm, he was the tall, dark and silent type, I think I'm gonna like it! Thanks for the heads up.

    2. Oh I didn't realize it had a character from Restoring Fairhaven....whoohooo! I just plunked it on my Kindle without looking at the description, lol!

      Good to know! Now I'm even more excited to be able to dive into the story soon-ish :-)

  4. I've enjoyed reading Carolyn's Regencies and look forward to this contemporary. I think she has the voice to do good at both.


    1. She really does and she excels at banter in both time periods. Good luck, Sylvia.

  5. "RESTORING FAIRHAVEN" sounds like a great read. I, personally, loved Beauty and the Beast. :) Sounds like Sam and Max go toe to toe until they find out side by side is better.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. What a great way of putting it -- "toe to toe until they find out side by side is better." That's exactly what this story is about and it's a wonderful journey. Good luck, Kay!

  6. I really enjoy her books. Thank you for sharing. leliamae54(at)aol(dot)com

  7. I think I read a Christmas novella by Carolyn recently, but I don’t think I’ve read any of her full length novels. I also don’t think I’ve ever read any of the independence island books. This sounds like it’s good a place to start as any=)


    1. Yes -- the books are written by different authors and share some characters but they are definitely written as standalones so you can jump in anywhere. Good luck, Patty!

  8. I love beastly, hairy heroes!! Bwahaha. Actually, I do love my heroes on the surly side. At least iniitally.

    1. Bwahaha! We need to find you a Sasquatch romance. Good luck, Terrill!

    2. I literally just laughed out loud! I think we might have to enter my "don't read" genre of paranormal if we want a bigfoot romance. Hehe

  9. I love reading books on islands!

