Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Masked Baron



Andalin is accustomed to her father's frequent travels -- and to being left behind. So when he returns home and instructs her to pack her belongings, she is bewildered -- but there is no time for questions as she is whisked away on a mysterious journey under the cover of night. 

When their tense flight leads them into the forbidding Black Forest, the pair quickly find themselves in great peril. With little hope of escape, father and daughter are spared when rescue appears in the form of the mysterious Dark Rider, a notorious deadly highwayman feared by all he meets. But his assistance does not come without a price: he is taking Andalin with him. Now her fate rests in the hands of the enigmatic masked man whose secrets are inescapably tied to the beautiful young woman now in his charge.

My Review:

Picture me twirling in a dizzying happy dance of Regency Romance elation until, overcome by the exquisiteness of it all, I gracefully swoon onto my fainting couch. That's what The Masked Baron has done to me. My toes might never uncurl and I'm not sure if I'll unswoon before Christmas because...that masked baron...oh mmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Thud!!!!!

Eeeeepppp, eeeeepppppp, eeeeeeeeppppp!!!! A fairy tale retelling of Beauty and the Beast -- and this is my all time favourite rendition...ever! And that's saying something because I do love a good B&B retelling. Walker has brought a freshness to the age old story but there are enough similarities (especially to the Disney version) that kept me squealing with delight as I made the connections. So many wonderful nuances that will keep me returning to this fantastical tale again and again.

And there's a lovely redemptive/reconciliation thread woven throughout that brought even more depth to the story. Simply stunning!

I enjoyed listening to the audible edition narrated by Noah Wall who is fast becoming one of my favourite narrators. She delivers a lively, captivating performance that kept me in compulsive listening mode right to the very end. Happy, happy sigh.

This giveaway is for an ebook copy (you must have an Amazon.com account) 

If you would like a chance to win a copy of The Masked Baron, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoreadATyahooDOTca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday December 19 2020. Offer open to International Readers. Good luck! 


  1. thanks for your review. sometimes I dont know if a regency authors books are clean or not. so I dont read as many as I would like.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. That's the same problem I've had so I go to my trusted GR friends to figure that out. Anneka R. Walker is definitely an author you can trust for a clean read plus she has subtle faith influences as well. Good luck, Lori!

    2. Same! I don’t really like to read “fluff-stuff”, and it’s hard to tell with so many Regency books whether they’re actually Christian fiction or just clean reads😬🀷‍♀️

  2. This one sounds exciting, count me in, thanks! lclee59(at)centurylink(dot)net

  3. Ooh, sounds so amazing! lattebooksAThotmailDOTcom

  4. Thanks for the Chance to Win a Copy and For Sharing this Book With Us iamabho AT gmail DOT com

  5. Sounds great! Definitely count me in for this one. Thanks for the review and the chance!

    pwestfall7 at hotmail dot com

  6. The title and the cover drew me in, your review cinched it. I'm going to have to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win The Masked Baron.


    1. Isn't that cover fabulous? Very atmospheric, I think, Good luck, Pam!

  7. Gorgeous cover and excellent review!

  8. Your review .... yes I'd love to win this one. rrwalter34atGMAILDOTcom

  9. I have not seen this one. It sounds so good.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  10. I love Anneka Walker! She's one of the authors who writes engaging, clean reads that I never hesitate to pick up a book written by her.

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. I'm learning that for myself now. Can't wait to read more of her books. Good luck, Trixi!

    2. Here's some I know of and read books by:

      Jennifer Moore
      Jen Geigle Johnson
      Heidi Kimball
      Sally Britton
      Chalon Linton
      Sarah Eden
      Linore Rose Burkard

    3. Oohhhh -- you've given me some new authors here. Eeeep!!! Thanks, Trixi! I think I'll be having a Regency Christmas.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. May I suggest a Regency novella collection? I just read it and it's fabulous 😊 I'm sure you'd enjoy it just as much!

      A Christmas Courting by Jennifer Moore, Chalon Linton, Jen Geigle Johnson, and Heidi Kimball

    6. Oooohhhhh -- audible has it!!! I think this will be my Christmas Eve/Christmas day listen since things are going to be much quieter around here this year. Thanks, Trixi!

  11. Thanks for the fun review, Kav! I'd love to read this book.
    whthomas13 at yahoo dot com

  12. I love a fairy tale retelling, especially Beauty and the Beast! Thanks for the chance to win this one!


    1. Me too -- I love finding the familiar in the unique twists and turns of a retelling. Good luck, Liz!

  13. Thanks for the giveaway!

