Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Texas Witness Threat



She saw something she shouldn't have...

Assistant US Attorney Christine Davis is positive she witnessed a murder, but with no body, the police aren't convinced. Now someone wants her dead, and Texas Ranger Blake Larsen is the only one who believes her. For Blake, protecting Christine must stay more important than their growing feelings for each other. But can he keep her safe from an unknown enemy who wants her silenced?

My Review:

True Confession: I have been traumatized by this cover. My psyche is seriously wounded. My snake paranoia ratcheted up to barely tolerable levels. 

Me: (browsing through the new LIS online) Eeeeeeekkk!!! Snake! (closes down website -- fast.) Wait. Did that say Cate Nolan? (whimper, log back on with one eye closed, do an author search) Eeeeeekkk! Snake! 

There are only a very few authors I would buy a snake book for. Cate Nolan is one of them. But once the little varmint arrived I had to patchwork it all over with sticky notes in order to actually read it. Even though I knew what lay beneath those papers...Rustle. Rustle. Slither. Eeeeek!!! Snake!!! Shudder. It's going to take me a while to recover.

Thankfully, the story isn't as snake-laden as that cover would lead you to believe. It is, however a page-turning delight of romantic suspense. Love how easy it was to feel exactly what Christine was feeling. The trauma. The panic. The sheer terror. And then the overwhelming feelings of confusion and anxiety when no one believes she actually witnessed a murder. Except Blake, of course. He's got her back and -- whoosh -- we're on a roller coaster ride of twists and turns and tummy flip-flopping deep dives. And Nolan weaves it all together with a significant faith thread. A sublime delight from beginning to end (except for the cover, of course!)


This giveaway is for a gently read paperback 

If you would like a chance to win a copy of Courting Can Be a Killer, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoreadATyahooDOTca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it's easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday January 9 2021. Offer open to International Readers. Good luck! 


  1. Someone call a snake wrangler because that thing looks like it's about ready to strike! Yikes bikes!

    Okay, cover notwithstanding, this sounds like an intense story to devour in an afternoon sitting....once you get past the snake, of course! 😊

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Shudder. It was hard for me to even do the copy and paste of the cover for this post. lol Good luck, Trixi!

  2. This is on my list to read this month. I've talked to Cate about it on fb and she said the snake on the cover is misleading as it hardly has any part in the story.
    I told her I was putting a sticker over it when I got it, lol. She said maybe she should send stickers to everyone who buys it, haha.
    Like you said though, for a Cate book I'll deal with it. Count me in!
    tracey14567 at gmail dot com

    1. Exactly! I was braced for a snake onslaught but it didn't happen. One way to up the suspense factor, I suppose. lol Good luck, Tracey!

  3. That snake looks wicked! However, the romantic suspense sounds great!

    1. You just have to get past that cover...safely! Good luck, rubynreba!

  4. Not a fan of snakes, but I do like the cover. It definitely grabs your attention.
    turtle6422 at gmail dot com

    1. Ha, grabs my attention and then running out of the door of the bookshop. :-) Good luck, Jana Leah!

  5. Great Sounding LIS Book 📖 Thanks
    iamabho AT gmail DOT com ☺💗☺

  6. Although I have a deep respect for snake, having lived in a part of the country that holds rattlesnake roundups and have eaten them fried, I find this cover intriguing. Naturally allured by the author, LIS and title, I would LOVE the opportunity to read this wonderful sounding book. Your review confirms that!

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Eeeeeek -- Kay, you are so much braver than I am!!!! I'm in awe. lol Good luck, Kay!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wowww, that cover makes me wonder if I really do want to read this one...


  9. I would have to not look at that snake to read it 😂 leliamae54 (at)aol(dot)com

    1. Post it notes are very useful. :-) Good luck, Lucy!

  10. That cover ewwwwwwww .... noooo I don't think I want to read it or even sign up for it. I have a serious problem with snakes. This one I have to let go.

    1. I'm right there with you, Becky. As far as I'm concerned this is an epic cover art fail -- especially since it really doesn't reflect on the content. There's one scene with a snake and it's not too gruesome. If it wasn't written by a fave author, I would definitely have given this one a pass too.

  11. LOL!!! I have also done the sticky-note-cover-up thing before! That snake is horrifying to look at. EEEK. I'm proud of you for reading it because of a good author. ;) Definitely weird they put that on the cover as you said it wasn't even that big of an event in the story. Huh.

    1. I think they wanted to grab our attention but, clearly, I'm not the only reader with a snake phobia! Good luck, Susan.

  12. Honestly, the only thing I looked for in your review -- needed to know if the book was snake-centered. I feel much better knowing that it isn't.

  13. Thanks for the giveaway!


  14. The snake staring into my soul was definitely startling when I first saw him! Sounds exciting!


    1. lol -- an epic cover fail as far as I'm concerned. Good luck, Liz!
